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In the world of real estate, having the right agent at your side can make all the difference. From helping you find a home to closing the deals, a trained and experienced partner can make the process smooth and easy.

However, there are a few myths about real estate agents that have begun to creep into the public consciousness. Let’s break down a few of the top myths – and why you really can trust your agent.

Five Common Myths About Real Estate Agents

  1. All Real Estate Agents Take 6%

While some agents charge flat fees, most real estate agents now work on a commission basis. This just means that they get paid for closing the deal – and exactly how much is up to them. Some will even offer less commission to help you close the right deal!

  1. You Must Use the Agent You Start with

Chances are you will work with a half-dozen agents or more before you find the right one for your needs. This doesn’t mean that you should ditch them – just that they aren’t necessarily the best fit for all of your real estate business.

  1. You Should Use a Seller’s Agent to Shortcut the Process

While brokers used to refer buyers to a separate agent, that isn’t common practice any longer. Today, most agents work independently and can help both sellers and buyers find their dream homes.

  1. All Real Estate Agents Are the Same

You would think that all real estate agents are created equal, but they aren’t! As you might imagine, experience makes a big difference in the real estate world. 

  1. You Need an Agent for All Aspects of Home Buying

While having a real estate agent is helpful as you search for the right home, it isn’t always necessary. For example, if you are looking for an investment property or a foreclosure, you may want to just begin searching independently.

Having an agent through the whole process can be incredibly advantageous! They can help you negotiate with sellers and save money in closing costs as well as find your dream home.