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The pandemic has changed the way that people think about many things. You’ve likely been shopping at businesses that offer contactless pick-up of various products. It’s nice being able to go pick up a pizza without having to come into contact with any of the employees, but you might not have known that contactless rentals are now possible to. Yes, it’s actually possible to rent out a property without having to come into physical contact with anyone. 

People Prefer Online Services These Days

As more Millennials and Gen Z adults start to look for homes, it makes sense that the market is shifting to online services. Young adults vastly prefer doing things online to doing things in person. It’s easier for young professionals to check out properties online than it is to have to drive to various different locations. If rental properties want to attract young tenants, then it makes sense to offer contactless rentals. 

Helpful Chatbots

Helpful chatbots can make the contactless rental experience that much easier for you to enjoy. The advancements in the AI field have made it so that chatbots can be incredibly useful. You can get a lot of information just by spending some time chatting with a chatbot using an app. If you’re able to get your questions answered by a chatbot, then you don’t really need to have a human involved in the process most of the time. 

Virtual Tours

Virtual tours are becoming more popular in the real estate market these days. The pandemic changed things and helped to push this trend forward. It’s common for apartment complexes to offer virtual tours of properties now, and you can also get detailed virtual videos of rental properties online now. Some have even gone so far as to offer virtual reality experiences, but this hasn’t exactly become prevalent yet. 

Tenant Screening and Notifications

It’s easier than ever to apply for an apartment or rental home online. You can now go through with an online application process and then just wait to get the results. The tenant screening process can be done online and you will be sent a notification when everything is finished up. If everything is good on your end, then you’ll be able to move into your new rental property without having to worry about coming into contact with anyone.